Database operations


import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

Map<String, String> row = {
    slug: "my-item",
    name: "My item",
await db.insert(table: "category", row: row, verbose: true);

Required parameters:

table:String name of the table, required
row:Map<String, String> data, required

Optional parameter:

verbose:bool true or false


import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows =
   await "product", limit: 20, where: "name LIKE '%something%'",
      orderBy: "price ASC");

Required parameter:

table:String name of the table, required

Optional parameters:

columns:String the columns to select: default is “*”
where:String the where sql clause
orderBy:String the sql order by clause
groupBy:String the sql group by clause
limit:int the sql limit clause
offset:int the sql offset clause
verbose:bool true or false


import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

Map<String, String> row = {
    slug: "my-item-new",
    name: "My item new",
int updated = await db.update(table: "category", row: row, where: "id=1", verbose: true);

Required parameters:

table:String name of the table, required
row:Map<String, String> data, required

Optional parameters:

where:String the where sql clause
verbose:bool true or false


import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

await db.delete(table: "category", where: "id=1");

Required parameters:

table:String name of the table, required
where:String the where sql clause

Optional parameter:

verbose:bool true or false


import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

Map<String, String> row = {
    slug: "my-item",
    name: "My item",
await db.upsert(
             table: "product",
             row: row,
             preserveRow: "category",
             indexColumn: "id"

Required parameters:

table:String name of the table, required
row:Map<String, String> data, required

Optionnal parameters:

 List<String> a list of columns to preserve,

the data in these columns will not be updated. Note: the indexColumn parameter is required when using this method (used to retrieve the existing data). :indexColumn: String the reference index column use to retrieve existing data in case of preserve :verbose: bool true or false


import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows = await db.join(
                table: "product", offset: 10, limit: 20,
                columns: "id, name, price, as category_name",
                joinTable: "category",
                joinOn: "");

Required parameter:

table:String name of the table, required

Optional parameters:

columns:String the select sql clause
where:String the where sql clause
joinTable:String join table name
joinOn:String join on sql clause
orderBy:String the sql order by clause
groupBy:String the sql group by clause
limit:int the sql limit clause
offset:int the sql offset clause
verbose:bool true or false


import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

bool exists = await db.exists(table: "category", "id=3");

Required parameters:

table:String name of the table, required
where:String the where sql clause

Raw query

import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

List<Map<String, dynamic>> result = await db.query("SELECT * FROM mytable");

Required parameters:

query:String the sql query, required
verbose:bool true or false